Developer API

This doc covers the interfaces of pyonep.

OnepV1 API

class pyonep.OnepV1(host='', port='443', url='/onep:v1/rpc/process', https=True, httptimeout=10, agent=None, reuseconnection=False, logrequests=False, curldebug=False, startid=0)
activate(auth, codetype, code, defer=False)

Given an activation code, activate an entity for the client specified in <ResourceID>.

auth: <cik> codetype: Type of code being activated. code: Code to activate.

Closes any open connection. This should only need to be called if reuseconnection is set to True. Once it’s closed, the connection may be reopened by making another API called.

create(auth, type, desc, defer=False)

Create something in Exosite.

auth: <cik> type: What thing to create. desc: Information about thing.
createDataport(auth, desc, defer=False)

Create a dataport resource. “format” and “retention” are required


“format”: “float” | “integer” | “string”, “meta”: string = “”, “name”: string = “”, “preprocess”: list = [], “public”: boolean = false, “retention”: {

“count”: number | “infinity”, “duration”: number | “infinity”

}, “subscribe”: <ResourceID> | null = null


drop(auth, resource, defer=False)

Deletes the specified resource.

auth: <cik> resource: <ResourceID>
flush(auth, resource, options=None, defer=False)

Empties the specified resource of data per specified constraints.

auth: <cik> resource: resource to empty. options: Time limits.
grant(auth, resource, permissions, ttl=None, defer=False)

Grant resources with specific permissions and return a token.

auth: <cik> resource: Alias or ID of resource. permissions: permissions of resources. ttl: Time To Live.
info(auth, resource, options={}, defer=False)

Request creation and usage information of specified resource according to the specified options.

auth: <cik> resource: Alias or ID of resource options: Options to define what info you would like returned.
listing(auth, types, options=None, resource=None, defer=False)

This provides backward compatibility with two previous variants of listing. To use the non-deprecated API, pass both options and resource.


Returns a list of request bodies made by this instance of OnepV1

lookup(auth, type, mapping, defer=False)

Look up a Resource ID by alias, owned Resource ID, or share activation code under the client specified in <ClientID>.

auth: <cik> type: Type of resource to lookup (alias | owner | shared) mapping: Based on resource type defined above.
map(auth, resource, alias, defer=False)

Creates an alias for a resource.

auth: <cik> resource: <ResourceID> alias: alias to create (map)
move(auth, resource, destinationresource, options={'aliases': True}, defer=False)

Moves a resource from one parent client to another.

auth: <cik> resource: Identifed resource to be moved. destinationresource: resource of client resource is being moved to.
read(auth, resource, options, defer=False)

Read value(s) from a dataport.

Calls a function that builds a request to read the dataport specified by an alias or rid and returns timeseries data as defined by the options.

auth: Takes the device cik resource: Takes the dataport alias or rid. options: Takes a list of options for what to return.
record(auth, resource, entries, options={}, defer=False)

Records a list of historical entries to the resource specified.

Note: This API is depricated, use recordbatch instead.

Calls a function that bulids a request that writes a list of historical entries to the specified resource.

auth: Takes the device cik resource: Takes the dataport alias or rid. entries: A list of entries to write to the resource. options: Currently unused.
recordbatch(auth, resource, entries, defer=False)

Records a list of historical entries to the resource specified.

Calls a function that bulids a request that writes a list of historical entries to the specified resource.

auth: Takes the device cik resource: Takes the dataport alias or rid. entries: A list of entries to write to the resource.
revoke(auth, codetype, code, defer=False)

Given an activation code, the associated entity is revoked after which the activation code can no longer be used.

auth: Takes the owner’s cik codetype: The type of code to revoke (client | share) code: Code specified by <codetype> (cik | share-activation-code)

Send all deferred requests for a particular CIK/auth.

share(auth, resource, options={}, defer=False)

Generates a share code for the given resource.

auth: <cik> resource: The identifier of the resource. options: Dictonary of options.
update(auth, resource, desc={}, defer=False)

Updates the description of the resource.

auth: <cik> for authentication resource: Resource to be updated desc: A Dictionary containing the update for the resource.
usage(auth, resource, metric, starttime, endtime, defer=False)

Returns metric usage for client and its subhierarchy.

auth: <cik> for authentication resource: ResourceID metrics: Metric to measure (as string), it may be an entity or consumable. starttime: Start time of window to measure useage (format is ___). endtime: End time of window to measure useage (format is ___).
wait(auth, resource, options, defer=False)

This is a HTTP Long Polling API which allows a user to wait on specific resources to be updated.

auth: <cik> for authentication resource: <ResourceID> to specify what resource to wait on. options: Options for the wait including a timeout (in ms), (max 5min) and start time (null acts as when request is recieved)
write(auth, resource, value, options={}, defer=False)

Writes a single value to the resource specified.

auth: cik for authentication. resource: resource to write to. value: value to write options: options.
writegroup(auth, entries, defer=False)

Writes the given values for the respective resources in the list, all writes have same timestamp.

auth: cik for authentication. entries: List of key, value lists. eg. [[key, value], [k,v],,,]

Provisioning API

class pyonep.Provision(host='', port='80', manage_by_cik=True, verbose=False, httptimeout=5, https=False, reuseconnection=False, raise_api_exceptions=False, curldebug=False, manage_by_sharecode=False)

A connection manager for dealing with the provisioning API, given as set of options.


host: A string for the hostname of the provisioning server. Defaults to port: A string for the server port. Defaults to ‘80’. manage_by_cik: A boolean noting if devices managed by CIKs or tokens. Defaults to True. verbose: Unused. httptimeout: An integer number of seconds before timing out. Defaults to 5. https: Whether or not to use HTTPS. Defaults to False. reuseconnection: Whether or not to reuse connections. Defaults to False. raise_api_exceptions: Whether or not to raise 4XX and 5XX responses as errors. Defaults to

curldebug: Whether or not to log requests as equivalent curl commands at the debug level.
Defaults to False.
manage_by_sharecode: When provisioning default device setups via template, whether or not
the template is referenced by shared code or by resource ID. Defaults to False.

Closes any open connections.

This should only need to be called if reuseconnection is set to True. Once closed, the connection may be reopened by making another API call.

content_create(key, model, contentid, meta, protected=False)

Creates a content entity bucket with the given contentid.

This method maps to—create-content-entity.

key: The CIK or Token for the device model: contentid: The ID used to name the entity bucket meta: protected: Whether or not this is restricted to certain device serial numbers only.
content_download(cik, vendor, model, contentid)

(Speculation) Fetches content information for a given vendor, model, and ID as chunks.

This method might map to:—get-content-blob-1, but seems to be missing serial number.

cik: The CIK for the device vendor: The name of the vendor model: contentid: The ID used to name the entity bucket
content_info(key, model, contentid, vendor=None)

(Speculation) Fetches content information for a given vendor, model, and ID.

This method might map to:—get-content-info-1, but seems to be missing serial number.

key: The CIK or Token for the device model: contentid: The ID used to name the entity bucket vendor: The name of the vendor
content_list(key, model)

Returns the list of content IDs for a given model.

This method maps to—list-content-ids

key: The CIK or Token for the device model:
content_remove(key, model, contentid)

Deletes the information for the given contentid under the given model.

This method maps to—delete-content

key: The CIK or Token for the device model:
content_upload(key, model, contentid, data, mimetype)

Store the given data as a result of a query for content id given the model.

This method maps to—upload-content

key: The CIK or Token for the device model: contentid: The ID used to name the entity bucket data: The data blob to save mimetype: The Content-Type to use when serving the blob later