Getting A CIK ------------- Access to the Exosite API requires a Client Identification Key (CIK). If you're just getting started with the API and have signed up with a community portal, here's how you can find a CIK: 1. Log in to [Exosite Portals]( 2. Click on "devices" on the menu on the left 3. Click on a device to open its properties 4. The device's CIK is displayed on the left Once you have a CIK, you can substitute it in the examples below. Note that any functions that take a parameter called `auth` can take a string CIK directly, or you can pass an auth dictionary as described [here]( Now that you've got a CIK, you can start using Exosite's APIs. Why not check out some of our [examples](examples.html) if you're looking for a starting place?