Version Migrations ===== Migrating to 0.11.0 ------------------- In order to provide better backward compatibility we've backed out the breaking changes to the listing command from 0.10.0. New code should call with both the `options` and `rid` parameters. ``` onep.listing(auth, ['dataport'], options={}, rid={'alias': ''}) ``` To anyone who updated code in the 8 days 0.10.0 was up and now needs to update it again-- sorry about the thrashing. There's a fair bit of Python code in production that isn't able to tie to a particular version. Migrating to 0.10.0 ------------------- The [RPC listing command]( now includes a resource identifier, which makes it possible to do multiple listing calls in a single request. The old form of listing is deprecated, and upgrading to pyonep 0.10.0 will require some changes to code. Using the old form will produce an exception. For example: ``` onep.listing(auth, ['dataport'], options={}) ``` ...should be changed to: ``` onep.listing(auth, {'alias': ''}, ['dataport'], options={}) ``` The `options` parameter is now required, too. Migrating to 0.8.0 ------------------ Version 0.8.0 includes some breaking changes to provision module API to provide more consistent return values and error information. To migrate an existing application to pyonep 0.8.0 you will need to make a few changes to the way provision methods are called. - Previously, methods in provision module either returned a.) `True` (success) or `False` (failure) or b.) `` (success) or `None` (failure). HTTP response details (e.g. status code) were not available to the caller without turning on logging and parsing stdout. With 0.8.0 all methods return a `ProvisionResponse` object with the following properties: - `ProvisionResponse.body` is the response body, a string. The contents of this depend on the specific call, and may be of length 0. See [provision API documentation]( for details. - `ProvisionResponse.status` is the HTTP status code - `ProvisionResponse.isok` is a boolean representing whether the call succeeded (i.e. if the status code is < 400) - Previously all exceptions associated with a call were being caught but not rethrown. With 0.8.0, HTTP exceptions are thrown to the caller. For example, if no connection is available, previously this would have written a message to the log and returned `None`. Now, a subclass of [`HTTPException`]( is thrown to the caller. This allows the caller to take appropriate action based on exactly what happened. Here's an example of code based pyonep before 0.8.0: ``` import pyonep provision = pyonep.Provision('', manage_by_cik=False) # create a model response = provision.model_create(vendortoken, model, clonerid, aliases=False) if not response: print('Unknown error occurred in model_create') # list models model_list = provision.model_list(vendortoken) if model_list is not None: print(model_list) else: print('Unknown error occurred in model_list') ``` Here's how that would be written to work with 0.8.0+: ``` import sys import httplib import pyonep # the leading 'http://' is now optional but should be omitted provision = pyonep.Provision('', manage_by_cik=False) try: # create a model response = provision.model_create(vendortoken, model, clonerid, aliases=False) if not response.isok: print('Error in model_create: {0} {1}'.format(response.status(), response.reason())) # list models response = provision.model_list(vendortoken) if response.isok: print(response.body) else: print('Error in model_list: {0} {1}'.format(response.status(), response.reason())) except httplib.HTTPException: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] print('HTTPException: {0}'.format(ex)) ``` You can also ask the provision module to raise an exception for HTTP statuses of 400 and above by passing `raise_api_exceptions=True` to the `Provision` constructore. This can consolidate code that handles API errors for a large number of provision calls. See the [provisioning example](examples/ to see how to do this.